


Eva’s Place is financed through corporate and philanthropic grants, plus private and corporate donations and these are supported by volunteer labour. Eva’s Place is a community project, operated and financed by the local community to ensure on-going service provision to young women.

Financial, in-kind, and baby goods donations are welcome. Regular Payment (Monthly, quarterly) donations can be arranged with Eva’s Place or through your own online banking.

In-kind donations of stationery or furniture or donations of baby goods may be left at Eva’s Place during opening hours. Please phone us to find out about our current needs.

Make a bequest:  After making provision for your loved ones, you may wish to leave some of your estate to Eva’s Place.               For more information, please read the Bequest Booklet HERE

Please contact for more information and also discuss it with your solicitor.

Ways to Donate:

Cash: Cash donations can be left at Eva’s Place during opening hours.
Cheque: Cheques can be mailed to Eva’s Place PO Box 3662 Toowoomba QLD 4350
Direct deposit: Eva’s Place BSB: 034-221 Account: 630984  *Please specify which centre you wish for your donation to go to*  Or Donate online right now:  Click on the Make a Donation button below.


Workplace Giving:

If you are an Employer or an Employee, Workplace Giving might be for you! It facilitates small, regular donations to Eva’s Place and is easy to set up through the Good2Give platform.

For Employees, donations are made pre-tax which means the tax benefit is received immediately.

For Employers, Employees’ donation amounts may be matched as an encouragement to them and double benefit for Eva’s Place. Workplace Giving joins Employers and Employees in creating a shared, meaningful social impact.

If you are already on the Good2Give platform, use this link to connect Eva’s Place to your charity list:

For more information or to establish Workplace Giving for yourself or your business, go to: or contact






Eva's Place is here to help

Get in touch for care and support